
Welcome to this Edition of the Sound of Jubilee!

-November 2012-
Currently the Apostolic church is in a time of transition. We are crossing time zones! We are transitioning from kronos (chronological time) to kairos (God’s time). What we mean by this is that we leave the temporal realm and learn to live and abide in the eternal realm, it is ascending from the natural into the realm of spirit. We call this the ascended life. This is how the Apostle John received the revelation he did on the Isle of Patmos. The Word of God said he was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day. He crossed time zones tapping into the eternal realm receiving revelation. This is how prophets and prophetic people receive prophetic words.
Kairos is a space of grace. It is a time of fulfillment and birthing. Kronos is the duration of time. It is the nine month period in which a woman is carrying child but kairos is the birthing time. It is a tipping point that becomes viral. It is when your vision, your dream, your idea, or your ministry becomes epidemic. It is like wildfire. It is so highly contagious and irresistible that favor, provision, and resources come tracking you down. It is a time and season when favor with God and favor with man converge. It is the kiss of heaven upon your life. Everything necessary for your assignment is attracted to you but please remember it only comes to those on assignment. It is not attracted to the lethargic, lukewarm, and passive. It comes to those who passionately pursue the call, the vision, the assignment and the dream.
Kairos is a moment of critical mass. It is the boiling point. It is the crescendo that follows the preparation. It is a destiny decision that reconfigures your world. When kairos shows up suddenlies occur. Acts chapter 1 is kronos time; the waiting and preparation for the promise. Acts chapter 2 is the kairos time when suddenly what they had been believing God for manifested. In Acts 2 kairos overtakes kronos and everything changed.
Revelation 10:6 …”that there should be time no longer,” this is a prophetic picture of when kairos time invades kronos time and there is no longer a waiting time nor delay but what heaven has offered has manifested. It is when the extraordinary invades the ordinary; kairos time superimposing kronos time. With all this being said, if you are not in your season of manifestation you are in your season of preparation. Preparation is never wasted. This is not the time to abort or miscarry the purposes of God. Do not become weary in well doing but carry the purposes of God for the duration of the process until kairos comes.
Your preparation has not been in vain. Get ready for your tipping point! You are about to go viral!
Enjoy this month’s Sound of Jubilee!
Dr Mark Kauffman